
Cambodian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

(កសមវស-CJHSS: Open Access, Blinded Peer Reviewed Journal)

Policy and Ethics

The Cambodian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (CJHSS) is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and strictly prohibits any form of publication malpractice. Our mission is to publish original, valuable work for the intellectual community, adhering to the highest standards. We expect our reviewers and authors to maintain similar standards. Key values such as honesty, originality, and fair dealing from authors, and fairness, objectivity, and confidentiality from editors and reviewers, are essential to achieving our goals. CJHSS is committed to best practices in ethical matters, addressing errors, and issuing retractions, with judicial review provided if necessary.

Ethical guidelines for editors

  • The Editors (Editor-in-Chief) are responsible for selecting which submitted articles will be published.
  • They follow the journal’s editorial board policies and adhere to legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The Editor-in-Chief may consult with other editors or reviewers when making these decisions.
  • Manuscripts are evaluated solely on their intellectual content, without consideration of the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political views.
  • The Editors must ensure a fair and appropriate peer review process.
  • Any unpublished material in a submitted manuscript must not be used in anyone’s research without the authors’ explicit written permission.

Ethical guidelines for editorial board

  • The Editorial Board is tasked with deciding which submitted manuscripts will be published and must disclose any conflicts of interest.
  • Manuscripts should be evaluated solely based on their intellectual content.
  • Information related to submitted manuscripts must be kept confidential by the Editorial Board.

Ethical guidelines for reviewers

  • Reviews must be conducted impartially, without any personal criticism of the author.
  • If a reviewer cannot complete the manuscript review within the given timeframe, they should inform the editors so it can be reassigned.
  • Reviewers should point out relevant published work not cited by the authors and ensure any previously reported evidence is properly cited.
  • Information about submitted manuscripts should be kept confidential and treated as such.

Ethical guidelines for authors

  • Authors must ensure their work is entirely original, and if they use others’ work or words, it must be properly cited.
  • They should comply with publication requirements, ensuring their work is original, not plagiarized, and unpublished elsewhere.
  • Authors should clearly and unambiguously describe their methods to allow others to confirm their findings.
  • Papers should be submitted only if the work was conducted ethically, responsibly, and in compliance with relevant laws.
  • Results should be presented clearly and honestly, without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation. Proper acknowledgment of others’ work is essential, and influential publications should be cited.
  • A paper should provide enough detail and references to allow others to reproduce the work. Misleading or inaccurate statements are unethical and unacceptable.

Transfer of Copyright

CJHSS accepts manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration for publication by other print or electronic media. The authors agree to transfer the copyright to CJHSS editorial office.

Cancellation & Withdrawal Policy

If an author wishes to cancel their publication with us after the final submission or after publication, the fee paid will not be refunded, as per the Terms and Conditions of CJHSS accepted during the initial and final submissions, and in the signed Author Copyright Form. Authors are given ample time to decide whether to publish with us before making the final submission. The journal promptly completes all processes, incurring costs. Authors may withdraw their paper, and CJHSS will not object if the withdrawn article is published elsewhere. If a copyright or plagiarism claim is proven against a published article, it will be removed from www.CJHSS.com and all indexing services without prior notice to the corresponding author.



Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences

Russian Blvd, Khemarak Vitou Building, 2nd Floor



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